About Us

The faces of Creamer & Cache

Meet Amber and Byron, the owners of Creamer & Cache Comics! They run the store with their two kids who are 12 and 15 years old. Byron, who has been collecting comics for nearly 30 years, found his passion in the Fantastic Four series. He then inspired Amber to start her own collection in 2010, her first comic being New 52 Batwoman.

When asked about each of their favorite products they sell, Amber loves the candles she makes and, of course, the comics; for Byron, it’s the action figures.

What does Creamer & Cache mean?

One afternoon, Amber was preparing for the next day’s early morning shift as the manager of a clothing retail store. She was leaving for the grocery store to pick up some creamer when Byron asked if she could grab some cash out of the ATM for lunch the next day.

Their daughter, who was six years old at the time, said, “Mom, how come every time you go to the store, all you ever get is creamer and cash?” After that, the name simply stuck with Amber and Byron, who chose the name that represented both of their personalities while incorporating their children. As for the wordplay of “cache,” Byron has a history as a computer scientist who previously worked at various tech companies.

What keeps them motivated?

As you might imagine, running a small business is no easy task. One of the main challenges Amber and Byron run into is maintaining a healthy work-life balance, a problem that has been alleviated by their kids’ growing interest in comics. Also, running a shop built around a relatively niche interest presents its own challenges — it’s difficult to attract new customers to a location most people aren’t aware exists.

“People don’t google “comic shops near me.” It’s just not something that is generally searched because these things don’t pop up like Starbucks do. They think that there’s two in a city, so those must be the only two. They never realize that there could be more.”

Amber Key, owner, Creamer & Cache Comics

Despite the challenges, Amber and Byron continue to come back to the shop for many reasons.

“It’s so fun — it is the most fun job you could ever have.”

Amber Key, owner, Creamer & Cache Comics

Creamer & Cache thrives on the community it has cultivated over the years. Amber and Byron don’t just think of their customers as that — they consider them friends.

Their ability to connect with people and make their day by helping them build their collections and fuel their passions is the number-one motivation. Their children are also very tuned-in to the business, sharing their own excitement whenever an item is sold on the eBay shop and asking about how business is doing on any given day.